It’ll be nice to have a future date or timeframe set when everything will be back to normal. But, there isn’t.
To try and answer the question, lets look at some numbers.
Philippines Total Population 2021: 109,856,591 (April 04, 2021. CPD)
Total Number of people infected: 795,051 (April 03, 2021. DOH)
Percentage of Total Population infected: 0.72% (less than 1%)
Total number confirmed of Vaccines acquired: 2,525,600
Total number of people vaccinated: 737,569 (Source)
Percentage of Total population vaccinated: 0.67% (less than 1%)
Based on the premise that the vaccines are 100% effective against current Covid strain and new variants, for covid-19 to end, we need herd immunity.
Herd immunity: is when a large part of the population (around 67%) is immune or resistant to the virus, so the virus has no where left to go or be transmitted and eventually the virus dies out.
This is the primary target of all vaccination programs.
To reach Herd immunity in Philippines, 67% of the population: around 74.4 million people need to be vaccinated.
This is when Covid-19 will end.
At the moment, we are at less than 1% vaccinated.
Going by the report in the Manila Bulletin, the government is on track to acquire 170 million vaccine doses, with target to vaccinate 70 million people this year (Source). How the government will handle deployment and coordination to vaccinate 70 million people remains to be seen. At least, we are on our way. 737,569 confirmed vaccinated is a lot more than zero. Its a start.
Artwork credit: https://mixkit.co/@casandrabanuelos/