PSE index – Ranking Largest Companies in Philippines by Market Capitalization.

The Data
Source: (data saved on 21 March 2021)

Brief description
Market Capitalization is the market value of a company.
It is calculated by multiplying the stock price by the total number of outstanding shares.

The Market Cap value for all companies listed on the Philippines Stock Exchange(PSE) is available on the official website. We’ll focus on the top 30 companies that make up the PSE index.

– All figures have been converted from Pesos to USD. ($20 billion is an easier view compared to P1 trillion).
Conversion rate is set at $1 = P50.
The actual rate of USD/PHP is around $1 = 48.50(1.5 pesos or $0.02 difference). It’s fine. Using P50/$1 undervalues all estimated figures by approximately 3%. It gives a fair leeway to account for the fluctuations in stock prices and rounding up of the numbers to one decimal place in billions.

For the most recent updated stock prices and market cap values in pesos, visit It is updated every 15 mins.

The charts:

We all know SM, BDO, BPI are some of the largest companies in the country. It’s interesting to look at the actual figures in a chart and compare the top 30.

You can download pdf copies of the charts here:
01. Top 30 largest companies in Philippines by market capitalization. Table
02. Top 30 largest companies in Philippines by market capitalization. Bar chart