Global warming by country – tree map or world map

Hi, welcome to another blog post.
For this post on global warming, we’ll be using the same data on two different charts: the world map chart and the tree map. And we’ll see how it looks.

Brief description.
You already know what global warming is.
Earth’s temperature getting hotter (since at least 1980 when we all started paying attention). Ice caps melting, oceans rising, forests cleared, rivers and lakes drying, Australia fires . .

Global warming is caused by humans activity that leads to emission of Green House Gases(GHG). These gases trap heat in the atmosphere causing earth’s temperature to warm. 80% of GHG is Carbon dioxide (CO2). CO2 is released from heat and smoke of factories, cars and electric power plants, all burning gas or coal. Methane released from waste of industrial livestock farming (beef, chicken..) and waste (our thrash) in landfills makes up 10% of GHG. The remaining 10% is made up of Nitrous oxide and other harmful gasses.

Data Source
Measurement Unit : Million metric tons of carbon dioxide. (MtCO2e)
All GHG emissions are expressed in CO2 (or carbon) equivalent.

The figures shows the amount of GHG emitted in a country during a particular year.
I have used the most recent of the historical data accessible, 2018.


From the world map chart, we easily see countries with less GHG emissions in green. Most of Northern Europe and Africa. They are of lower income/smaller economies and have less factories and cars producing GHG.
The tree map on the other hand better shows countries with the highest GHG emissions in red. Larger economies with more factories and higher GDP.

To show the actual emissions figures on all 193 countries, I embedded the vizzes directly from Tableau public. All we have to do is to hover over an area on the map and the information is highlighted.

On Climate change.. watch Home by Yann Arthus-Bertrand . .